Inside The Profitable Design Blueprint You'll Learn...

How to Build a 6-Figure Interior Design Business Working Part-Time Hours Without A Degree

The Profitable Designer Blueprint is an online coaching program where struggling and aspiring interior designers grow their business from a few side projects for friends and family to a thriving design business.


“Within 2 weeks, I had my first client. The only reason I am successful is because of Emilee's mentoring and receiving the tools to implement her proven process.”



You have an “eye for design” but…

You're struggling to make a full-time income doing what you LOVE.

I completely understand... this entire business venture can feel quite overwhelming, and sometimes, it's tough to find a clear direction (with a touch of that nagging "Am I really good enough?" imposter syndrome).

Your Instagram feed might be filled with conflicting advice. Should you be posting on social media five times a week? What about writing blog posts tailored for Pinterest... or perhaps incorporating a dance routine on Tik-Tok while holding paint swatches just to keep up with the latest trends?

No need to fret... I'll guide you through precisely how I've nurtured my thriving 6-Figure Residential Interior Design Business. Five years of strategic expertise, neatly packaged and handed over to you. It's my personal "Blueprint" for a flourishing residential interior design business... and all of it can be yours.

This is your sign ♥

Prepare yourself for a clear and simple blueprint that will turn your love for interior design into a prosperous part-time venture, bringing in a 6-figure income.

The thrilling part is that this blueprint is effective, regardless of your current level of experience or the competitive landscape in the market!

This course is crafted to guide you from being a scattered, anxious, aspiring interior designer to a distinguished professional whose confidence in her craft captivates others.

Even if you're not presently collaborating with clients, you'll soon discover them eagerly seeking your interior design expertise, irrespective of your pricing or level of experience.

You wanted to be creative & design beautiful spaces - NOT end up hustling, feeling overworked!

Turns out, navigating the intricacies of running a profitable residential interior design business is quite a challenge!

When I initially embarked on this journey, I was clueless... the 1.5 years of college I had completed didn't equip me for this. I made numerous mistakes and gained invaluable lessons along the way (there might have been a weekly bathtub cry session).

I accepted any client who crossed my path, and unfortunately, most were quite challenging. They lacked trust, always sought budget-friendly options, and had no concept of personal boundaries. Constant calls, demands for free advice, attempts at controlling every detail, and haggling over prices became the norm.

Determining how to price my work or efficiently manage projects proved to be a struggle. This resulted in excessive work, time wasted, redoing things that were already well-done, and financial losses.

Uncertainty loomed over when the next client would come, earnings were minimal, and I started questioning if I was cut out for running my own business.


Imagine trying to build a house without a blueprint.

You might have bricks, wood, cement and all the tools you need, but you're missing the crucial blueprint that shows you how to put them together.

As time goes on, frustration and anxiety sets in. You've invested months of effort, and your construction site is a hot mess. You have a structure that's far from the dream house you envisioned, and you've wasted so much money in the process.

In the end, without a proper blueprint, your construction project becomes a source of stress and disappointment. The result is a house that's not what you wanted, and you're left wishing you had started with a blueprint to guide you from the very beginning.

Here is the Blueprint for a Profitable Interior Design Business:


This is what I do.

I help new and struggling designers organize their business in order to improve their life. I save you time, energy and help you make more money doing what you love.

This means you don't have to start from zero!

The Profitable Designer Blueprint will help you get the hang of all three.

"I can attest that being part of Emilee's program will have an ENORMOUS impact on your business development! I wouldn't have a business without them."



The devil is in the details


Potential clients want to hire someone they trust and

respect. You have to show them you are the boss. We have amazing design steps, business outlines, rules for clients, and company guidelines that position you as the Pro in the know!


Marketing your business can feel impossible. I'll teach you how to make it simple. You'll get my easy-to-follow strategies to let google do the hard work for you so you spend less time marketing your business and get the best clients who are ready to buy.


No more working long hard hours for a couple hundred bucks profit. I’ll teach you how to get clients to pay design fees that will make your head spin. Next, you'll get my straightforward method to figure out your fees, making sure every step of your project brings in profits.


It's time for clients to happily pay top dollar for what you do. Follow my proven process that I follow in my business. It works like a charm. New Design Lead > Pre-Qualify > Discovery Call > Consultation > Proposal > Signed Client : Excited to invest and work with you.


I offer 25+ downloads and templates (from Presentations, Email Client Communication, Proposals, Pricing Calculator, Contracts + more...) to make your own. Just add your branding and call them yours — no need to reinvent the wheel; copy and paste!

Hi, I’m Emilee!

For the last 5 years, I've been the proud owner of my own 6-figure design business: Winland Designs. My journey was not straightforward, but it taught me a lot.

Starting my own design business was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I had to learn from scratch how to run an interior design business without burning myself out.

With my help, you’ll have a step-by-step blueprint to follow. You will know what to do and how to build a profitable residential design business that you love with the financial and creative freedom you have always dreamt about.

Before I started my design business, I worked for a small, struggling, boutique, design firm and I learned more about what not to do rather than what to do. 

In 2017 I was studying interior design at the Art Institute and working a part time job as a design assistant. Halfway through my degree, my school shut down and my credits wouldn’t transfer. Soon after that I was fired from my design assistant job.

I Practice What I Preach…

I’m not a professor reading from an outdated book. I’m giving you the exact, step-by-step processes that I use in my business daily.

I had always wanted to be my own boss and have creative freedom on my projects, but I definitely wasn’t planning on starting my business just yet.

I took the leap and started with zero business experience, very few connections in town and a whole lot of imposter syndrome about my design skills. I was going to do this design thing and I was going to do it MY WAY. 

Now I run a 6-figure residential interior design business. I don’t have any employees, I don’t have office space (I work from home), I don’t have a materials library or a showroom. I work a "lifestyle" business - I work when I want, choose projects I want, for how much money I want (if I work past 2pm on a typical day I’m a little pissy).

I built my business to fulfill a lifestyle that I desired. I don’t believe in that whole HUSTLE culture and I don’t ever want to have a huge team of interior designers working for me. I’m an introvert by nature and I refuse to go to networking events (yuck).

My minimum design fee per room is $5,000 and my average profit per project is $30,000 (just so you know- I started off at $50/hr and barely made $1,000 per project). My talent didn't increase- my business systems and processes did.

I’m an avid sourdough bread baker, organic gardener, and I travel the world with my husband every couple of months- all while running a profitable residential interior design business. 


Let's transform your design business and your limiting beliefs so you can...

Earn premium design fees and attract quality projects.

Many designers struggle to make a decent living because they’re not charging enough. One of the first things I teach my design students is how to charge premium prices and how to sell yourself without really "selling".

If you want to be able to charge premium fees, it starts by knowing you have an Eye-for-Design. Not everyone has this talent, so If you do… be proud and confident about it. Either you have that Eye or you don’t. I believe it is something you are born with.

Having the right “blueprint” to follow and a mentor who can show you the already paved road to success is not an expense like your Netflix bill… it is an investment that will more than pay for itself with your first project when you implement what I’ll show you.

Believing in yourself and knowing you have that Eye-For-Design is crucial to your success. Take the first Step... Enroll now!

“This program has been the missing link that has elevated my business to new heights. Her guidance has been more valuable than a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design.”



It pisses me off when I see other women in the design industry putting down and discouraging aspiring or struggling designers because they don’t have a degree or some accreditation for an organization or even a lack of experience…

There are so many successful residential interior designers who were in your exact same shoes at one point in their career… I’m included in that group of women.

This mentorship program is an investment. I’m going to show you how to make a return on the money you spend with me.

I want to see you covering this program's cost within 90 days. More than that, I want you setting up realistic game plans, pricing, and systems to take your business where you want it to be.

If you’re not seeing progress after 90 days, even though you have put your all into doing the required work, I’ll refund your money… I don’t want your money if you aren’t a super-duper fan.

I invite you to join the Profitable Designer Blueprint. You’ll be tickled pink that you did!

Thinking about joining, but still have some questions? No problem!

Book a quick chat with me and I'll help you figure out if this program feels like the right match for you.

Designer Blueprint

The coaching program for aspiring and struggling residential interior designers who are ready to take control of their finances and their life by creating a profitable residential interior design business they love.


The Profitable

The program goal is to provide a solid support structure that'll help you skip a 5-year learning curve, and instead arm you with top-notch strategies that make the cash register ring.

This year-long mentorship is priced at a cost that’s perfectly suited for the aspiring or struggling interior designer who wants to move away from working for friends and family on side projects… and taking on a handful of projects a year that pays less than a McDonald's salary.

No secrets here… I show you EXACTLY what I do in my business.

The Profitable Designer Blueprint isn’t just another course.


This mentorship program includes the exact business systems and processes that I've used to become a $40,000 a month (actual profit) residential interior designer.

These are the same systems and processes I currently use to charge more per design project, work less hours per week (I work less than 25 hours) and how I get dream clients to choose me.

This program is perfect for designers with less than 5 years of experience and focuses on creating a successful, enjoyable, lifestyle, residential interior design business. This isn’t just a video library with a few downloads. You actually get FaceTime with me... I answer your direct questions... I motivate you... I give you advice and put you back on the correct path if you start to stray from the proven system.

There are a lot of systems to put in place (but remember: you only have to do it once). At first glance, it may seem overwhelming. Don’t worry... You have my full support for 12 months while you build your profitable design business- I'm holding your hand along your journey.

The Profitable Designer Blueprint is

the program that teaches you how to…

Everything you need to kick your interior design business up a notch:

The ultimate blueprint to mastering your profitable interior design business.

Video modules that cover the A-Z of running a profitable interior design business.

  • How to price your design services so you always make money.

  • How to market your design business (wake up each morning, check your email and have a homeowner asking for you to design their living room- yay!).

  • How to take control of your clients and establish yourself as the trusted professional with an eye-for-design.

25+ downloads and templates to make your own.

Copy and paste your logo onto my easy to use templates - no learning curve!

  • Design Fee Pricing Calculator - Never underprice yourself again.

  • Client contracts that cover your ass (Be Sure to consult an attorney on this).

  • Discovery Call, Consultation Presentation, Our Process, Installation, Welcome Guide templates, and more.

12 months of group coaching lessons with me.

Learn the exact steps for adding more money to each design project.

  • How to shop to-the-trade (Pottery Barn, Wayfair and HomeGoods isn't going to cut it).

  • How to setup Trade accounts so you can double your income per project.

  • I'll show you how I make money on the sale of furniture while also saving your clients money. It's a win win...

  • Never work for free again... Your time is valuable (ACT LIKE IT).

A group of other women just like you.

Join our group of other interior designers who are all working towards similar goals.

  • As a fellow introvert, this may sound intimidating, but I promise you will love this camaraderie.

  • Group zoom calls where you can ask specific questions and get real time, experience-backed answers.

  • This isn't another Facebook group... It's a SKOOL group: no ads, no distractions. Just actionable advice and encouragement. We even have a mobile App!

The "backstage pass" to successful interior design sales.

Real-life client recordings that cover everything you need to know about effective sales strategies.

  • Go behind the scenes of the sales process, gaining insights that are relevant to your market and level of experience.

  • Watch my real client call recordings, attracting top-tier clients by copying the strategies that work.

  • Learn how to effectively communicate with potential clients, giving them an experience so special and personal that they refer you to all of their friends & family.

The ultimate "toolbox" for scaling your interior design business you’ll ever need.

Clear software tutorials for a highly productive and streamlined design business.

  • Learn how to use tools like Trello, Calendly, Sketchup, DesignFiles that are all relevant to your field and level of experience.

  • Make your work easier and more productive, attracting top-tier clients who appreciate your efficiency and professionalism.

  • See firsthand how these tools can organize your cluttered operations- never reinvent the wheel again!

The "insider's guide" to boosting your earnings with trade accounts.

Expert strategies that maximize profits from Trade furniture projects.

  • Increase your earnings by setting up trade accounts that are relevant to your market and experience level, attracting top-tier clients.

  • Partner with leading manufacturers, bringing the best projects (and the best budgets!) to the table.

  • Leverage these accounts for maximum profit, quality, and customization.

My personal blueprint to attracting high-paying clients.

Referral strategies that establish a regular flow of new business in the interior design industry.

  • Establish a regular flow of new business so that you aren't stressing about the next project.

  • Learn how to create partnerships with contractors, real estate agents, and others, bringing unique projects to your portfolio.

  • Discover the secrets of making partnerships that are good for everyone, giving your clients an experience so special that they refer you to all of their friends & family.

The 4 step roadmap enhancing your online visibility with SEO.

Strategies that cover the A-Z of improving your website for a highly visible interior design business.

  • Attract more clients by improving your website and ensuring your business is relevant in your city.

  • Make your website easier to find online, bringing the best projects (and the best budgets!) to the table.

  • People can not hire you if they don't know that you exist! This is our secret sauce to have clients lining up begging to work with you.

Emilee’s "playbook" for delivering exceptional client projects.

Real-world examples that guide you through the entire process from beginning to end of a client project.

  • Follow real client projects from inception to completion.

  • Behind the scenes videos starting with a Design Lead > Pre-Qualify > Discovery Call > Consultation > Design Proposal > Signed Contract > Measure Meeting > Presentation > Invoicing > Placing Orders > White Glove > Install Day > Photography... and more!

The secret for tapping into affluent homeowners.

Proven tactics that guide you through the process of reaching potential clients in wealthy neighborhoods.

  • Uncover potential clients in upscale neighborhoods, aligning with your market and experience level to attract high-end clients.

  • Harness the power of our impactful USPS mail campaigns, getting the most lucrative projects (and the most generous budgets!) for your business.

Consider me your design business therapist.

We're on a journey together – the destination is a profitable interior design business that provides you and your family the lifestyle you want.

  • Work with the clients who truly value the professional touch and eye-for-design that you bring to your design process.

  • Charging top-notch design fees, and also getting compensated for those little extras you sprinkle throughout the design.

  • Feeling confident running your business, knowing exactly what to say and do, rather than running around like a chicken with it's head cut off!

  • Clearly explain your process and fees to your clients so they fully recognize the effort that's invested in their design and are more than happy to pay for your creative talents.

  • Set your own hours, take that vacation with the kids, only work with clients you VIBE with...

Let’s picture your dream interior design business:

“Emilee dives deeper into topics that other interior design professionals typically gatekeep.”



Join the Profitable Designer Blueprint today and get…

12 Months of Coaching & Mentorship with Emilee

This isn’t like going to college and listening to a professor read out of a book with homework deadlines and busy work. This training comes from my real-world experience of what actually works to get new interior design projects and how to make the most amount of money off of them, all while living a lifestyle that you want.

  • Access to Emilee and her network of industry experts for an entire year to help you work through planning, strategy and execution of the program materials.

  • A training library full of templates, documents and video content that is updated in real time to reflect what is actually working in her business.

  • Weekly Zoom group video sessions that allow you to work through your problems together. Emilee and her team will provide their feedback to help you push through your hurdles and take action.

  • If you have questions, you get actual FaceTime with Emilee to hold your hand.

The Profitable Designer Blueprint Content Portal

Inside the Profitable Designer Blueprint group, you will get 24/7 access to a helpful and supportive community of like-minded women just like you (most are introverted- just like me)!

  • This is a safe and encouraging space to ask questions, get feedback and make friends. Being a business owner can be quite lonely at times, so it really helps to have other women going through the same journey as you by your side for encouragement.

  • Bonus trainings and support from Emilee and her team in this members-only group (no, it's not another Facebook group full of ads, distractions and upsells).

  • We share software tips, trade vendors, suppliers, even help each other on projects. Don't know how to do 3D renderings? No worries, someone in this group does and would be happy to help.

Emilee's Little Black Book of Resources

Emilee gives you her list of the best resources that she's collected while running her residential design business over the years.

  • To-the-Trade Vendors.

  • Personalized gifting solutions that make your life easier.

  • Software that makes operating and organizing everything optimized.

  • Business contracts and templates.

  • Marketing materials.

The "Backstage Pass" to Successful Interior Design Sales

Real client call recordings that cover everything you need to know about effective sales strategies in the interior design business.

  • Go behind-the-scenes of the sales process, gaining insights that are relevant to your market and level of experience.

  • Watch real client call zoom recordings... gain confidence by watching me... you will see it isn't rocket science. Templates are great, but watching me actually talk to a client is even BETTER!

The Private Profitable Designer Blueprint Skool Group

The exact steps and systems to grow a profitable residential interior design business you love.

  • A video training library, worksheets, software and resources you will use to increase your confidence and improve your residential interior design business. I update this content as my business evolves.

  • 25+ templates you can download and customize for your business (I use these exact templates in my business daily... just copy and paste and you are off to the races).

  • Members-only access to past business coaching training sessions.

The Only "Toolbox" for Your Interior Design Business You’ll Ever Need

Clear software tutorials for an organized interior design business.

  • Learn how I use tools like Sketchup, DesignFiles, Trello and Calendly that are relevant to your business.

  • See firsthand how these tools can streamline your operations, giving your clients an experience so special and personal that they refer you to all of their friends & family.

The Profitable Designer Blueprint works

Check out the results our wonderful students have had from our program:

“It would have taken me hundreds of hours to figure out all of the processes on my own. This program is invaluable!”



“Emilee has a unique and refreshing business model that is built around not only enjoying yourself in your business, but enjoying your life.”



"I've already had my first client which was a wonderful experience and it was definitely because of this amazing program."




Here’s what you'll get with the
Profitable Designer Blueprint.

The Profitable Designer Blueprint is made to give you a step-by-step guide for marketing, sales, finishing projects on time (and without spending too much), and taking good care of your clients. I will help you understand every single step with clear, easy-to-follow instructions, and you'll wonder how you ever survived without this program.

When you have these key parts sorted out, you'll be happy to see your money grow while your stress goes down! Now, doesn't that sound just perfect?

The Profitable Designer Blueprint Content Portal

The Private Profitable Designer Blueprint Skool Group

The "backstage pass" to interior design sales

12 Months of Coaching & Mentorship with Emilee

Emilee's Little Black Book of Resources

"Toolbox" for your interior design business

You Don't Have To Do This Alone

Cut down your learning period by five years by embracing our tried-and-true pricing systems, growth strategies, and project management techniques. Experience the real magic - the boost of confidence you get when you know exactly what to do... no guess work, no need to doubt yourself... just follow my lead!


Choosing not to join this program might mean continuing the struggle of managing your design business alone. This could mean losing sleep, money, and precious moments with your loved ones. Growth tends to slow down when you're constantly guessing and trying to handle everything, thereby missing out on potential profits and peace of mind.


Joining the Profitable Designer Blueprint means your confidence and income will soar. As you implement our proven business methods to attract new clients, increase your design fees, and begin to work with clients you truly enjoy, you'll grow an interior design business that you absolutely LOVE. Because, let's be real... you have an Eye-For-Design and deserve to be successful.

The decision is in your hands!

Our designers are our top concern. My team and I are dedicated to providing all the information, tools, and support you need to build a profitable interior design business.

Remember, you have more talent inside you than you might think.

I'll be right there with you at every step, showing you how to make your dreams real. I can help you use your talent

to build your own awesome business. This mentoring program is all about you and your story - I'm just here to help give you a boost!

I know it can be really hard to run your business without a solid plan.

Let me help you make your interior design business more clear, simple, and better organized, so you can grow as much as you want.

There's nothing to lose and so much to win.

Sign up now and start making your business more profitable in 90 days or less.

  • There are 17+ hours of pre-recorded video training for you to consume. This is a self-paced program with 10 modules, so it depends on your determination. We recommend spending at least 1-3 hours per week implementing as you go, in bite-sized chunks.

  • This program is for new, struggling to make a real profit or aspiring residential interior designers who are looking for a step-by-step guide in creating a profitable, residential design biz while working part-time doing what they love most.

  • This depends on each person- your network, how much effort you're willing to put into it, and how long it takes you to implement the systems/processes. In short, it really depends on you- you have to be willing to put in the work and follow our proven systems. This is your business/responsibility.

  • We recommend investing in a few professional softwares to level-up your systems/processes. However, there are a handful of softwares that are free! These are not required on day 1, but after you've gone through the training and your biz is up and running, we recommend implementing these to succeed. Overall, it's around $150 all-in.

  • We offer bi-weekly group zoom calls so you can ask specific questions directly with Emilee on any issues you are having.

  • No, you just need an eye for design. Some of the most famous designers today (like Joanna Gaines or Amber Lewis) do not have formal training or a degree in interior design! I have 0 certifications/degrees myself.

  • No, you just need the natural drive and talent. Do you scour Pinterest for hours and hours? Can you look at a room and visualize how much better you could re-design it? Do you find yourself watching HGTV and judge everything they're doing? Is one of your favorite hobbies going thrifting/antiquing for treasures? If you enjoy rearranging your home for fun and that brings you joy = congrats, you have a natural talent

  • No, I do not teach how to design spaces as you either have an eye for design or not. I teach the business side of running a successful and profitable interior design business.

Just one more thing…