Emilee Emilee

How To Spend $0 On Branding And Still Get Interior Design Clients

If you’re dreaming about starting your own interior design business, or maybe you’re already in the process of doing so, you might be stuck on some of your business branding decisions. Fonts, logos, colors, website design, the brand name itself - there are truly so many choices you need to make! But try not to get completely stuck on this…

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Emilee Emilee

3 Easy Things You Should Do When Starting An Interior Design Business

Maybe you’ve been considering starting your own interior design business for a while now. Or maybe you’ve been dreaming of the day when you can quit your current job and venture out on your own.  It’s really simpler than it seems - you can be on your way to earning 6-figures as an interior designer if you just take action! I’m going to challenge you to take action today. Here are three FREE action items to jumpstart your momentum and get you another step closer to working with your first interior design client.

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Emilee Emilee

5 Reasons To Start Your Own Interior Design Business

Do you have a natural eye-for-design and talent for creating beautiful spaces in your home? Do you dream about becoming a professional interior designer, but don’t want to spend the time or money investing in a 4 year college education? Or maybe you already have a college degree, but you don’t find joy in working for someone else’s company, and you’re dreaming about the freedom of owning your own business. Well, I have huge news for you...

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