3 Easy Things You Should Do When Starting An Interior Design Business

Maybe you’ve been considering starting your own interior design business for a while now. Or maybe you’ve been dreaming of the day when you can quit your current job and venture out on your own. You might not even be sure if starting a business from home is possible –

Well, I’m here as proof to say that living your dream is possible. It will work if you put the work in.

I’ve coached hundreds of women over the last few years who were dreaming of starting their own interior design business, but they felt overwhelmed with getting started. It’s really simpler than it seems - you can be on your way to earning 6-figures as an interior designer if you just take action!

I’m going to challenge you to take action today. Here are three FREE action items to jumpstart your momentum and get you another step closer to working with your first interior design client.

Spread the word about your new business - tell everyone!

Be proud and confident of your design skills and your new business venture. You just never know who is in need of your services within your personal network.

When I was fired from my job working at an interior design company, I had to take the leap of faith in myself and act quickly to get my new business off the ground. I told everyone I knew that I was starting my own interior design business. Yes, it was a little scary. And no, I didn’t have every single detail of my business perfectly completed.

But, I’m so grateful that I just went for it - because it turned out that a friend of a friend was building a new home. She was looking to hire an interior designer, and my friend was able to recommend my services. Before I knew it, I was designing her kitchen and living room! I would have never had that opportunity if I didn’t shamelessly spread the news about my business.

That same client has referred multiple new clients to me over the years. It’s like the gift that keeps giving. Use word-of-mouth to get the news out there - it’s free and easy marketing.

Post on social media that you are now accepting clients for your interior design business.

This is yet another easy and free marketing idea for your new business - it takes barely any time or effort to make a few posts. All it really takes is courage.

I remember when I first posted on my own social media page that I was accepting clients for my new business. It was definitely intimidating - I was nervous and a little embarrassed about what people might think of me.

But, instead of letting this fear get in my way, I made a brand logo on Canva in 5 minutes (the same FREE logo that I used to earn my first 6-figures) and used that to jumpstart my business marketing. I didn’t even have a portfolio put together yet! But I just knew that every moment counted when it came to getting my first client. I was confident in my own skills and professionalism as a designer, and I knew that landing my first client was more important than spending my time perfecting every last detail of my business. Don’t overthink it!

If social media really isn’t your thing, or you just want some no-brainer, ready-to-use templates for social media posts, check out my monthly coaching membership for access to these and SO much more. For just $7 per month, you’ll get priority coaching from me, client onboarding templates, my “perfect pricing” calculator, client attraction scripts, and more.

No matter how you do it, get that first social media post out there today!

Get your consultation materials ready before your first client meeting.

Once you’ve done the easy part of sharing the news about your business, you’re going to inevitably get a lead who wants to book a consultation. If you’re brand new to interior design, you might not know what this even means. A consultation is just what we call our meeting with a potential client - it’s essentially a sales presentation.

The last thing you want to do during a consultation is show up unprepared and ramble on and on with no clear direction. You need to be organized and succinct while still showcasing your personality and explaining how you can help the client. In order to do this well, you will want to use a script to keep yourself on track with questions to ask the client and details about your process as a designer.

People will be ok with hiring a newbie as long as you are competent and organized. If you have all of your consultation materials prepared ahead of time, you’ll be able to prove just how amazing you are to work with.

This is exactly what happened to me - my first client knew I was just starting my interior design business and I was a total beginner, but she was happy to work with me after seeing how put together I was in our consultation.

It’s so important that you prepare for this first consultation meeting before someone even books it.

So, now what?

Hopefully you’re feeling inspired to take the steps to start your own interior design business. Remember, word-of-mouth and posting on social media are the easiest free marketing ideas for your new business.

If the sales presentation still feels totally scary, you might be looking for a little more guidance and support. Inside my signature course, the Profitable Designer Blueprint, I walk you through this consultation process step-by-step and give you absolutely all of the materials you will need to be successful. I share my proven systems and processes that I use in my own business. You’ll get access to the exact consultation pamphlet that I’ve used to land my dream clients for years.

So, why wait? Start earning 6-figures while working part-time doing exactly what you love - designing beautiful, creative spaces for people.

If you’re ready to take the leap and follow my proven system for starting your own interior design business, check out the Profitable Designer Blueprint today.

I’d love to hear from you!


How To Spend $0 On Branding And Still Get Interior Design Clients


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